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Cloud Architecture

Birds eye view of the LeftBrain office, with red carpet, plants and lots of windows. Rosie is sat at a bench with her laptop, Alan is stood up next to her looking at his laptop.

With the rise in remote working, many businesses are reducing their dependencies on physical office spaces and on-site equipment. 

Rather than investing in infrastructure that needs maintaining and updating every few years, migrating to the cloud is often more cost effective, scalable and secure.

Bespoke cloud solutions for your business

Most businesses use SASS (software as a service) cloud platforms such as Google Workspace, Microsoft 365 or Dropbox. But there are some cases where a bespoke IaaS (infrastructure as a service) cloud setup is required. 

Perhaps you have an application that only works on Windows, but your team use Macs. Perhaps you have a financial database that needs to run via an ‘on-prem’ server but your team need to access it from different locations. LeftBrain can work with your unique requirements to build, deploy and manage a bespoke cloud system. 

"Pai has an incredibly capable back-end infrastructure, which LeftBrain has built. I’d be surprised to find another company of our size that has a fraction of the capabilities that we do. Working with LeftBrain has enabled us to punch above our weight.

Black and white headshot of Ed Saper
Ed Saper
Co-Founder, Pai Skincare