“It signals to clients that we have our ducks in a row”, explains Lucas, the newest member of the LeftBrain team. He’s been working alongside the rest of our information security department to apply ISO 9001 principles of quality to our specific business setting: equipping clients with wonderful workplace technology. He’s also a big fan of pepperoni pizza.
“It’s a pretty generic framework that looks completely different for each organisation”, continues Lucas. “If you work in food processing, it’s about whether the environment is clean and the food tastes good! For us, quality means ensuring the services we offer are at a high and repeatable quality, especially in relation to information security.”
Lucas was responsible for creating a system that enables us to track the most critical security controls for each technology we offer. You can find out more by watching the Q&A at the end of our The Story of Notion event. Essentially, it allows us to assess the risk decisions of our entire client base at a glance, cross-reference that with the configuration of their technology, and identify opportunities for improvement.
“The world of technology has evolved rapidly in recent years”, explains Charlie (who has the whole vegan pizza to himself…). As CISO and one of LeftBrain’s directors, Charlie has seen us take on more high-profile clients with more bespoke technology set-ups and security requirements. “With the rise of cybercrime and the increase in data breaches, it has become more important to have conversations with clients around risk management and compliance. As boring as that may sound, this ISO 9001 certification, along with our other ISO 27001 certification, means clients can rest assured that their internal technology is in safe hands, allowing them to get on with doing their best work. For prospective clients, it gives credibility that an internationally regarded governing body has looked at how we design and execute our services and deemed them of excellent quality.”
“We’re by no means finished,” says Lucas. “A key part of any ISO certification is demonstrating continuous improvement. As Charlie said, the world of technology is always changing, along with the needs of our clients. Yes, we now have a baseline for maintaining uniformity and assessing risk, but we have built into our processes ways to continuously respond, adapt, and improve.”
But for now, let’s have another slice of pizza.
If you would like to better understand risk management strategies and information security compliance for your business, get in touch!
With the rapid development of AI, it feels like the wild west out there, bringing both opportunities and risks. We spoke with our Information Security Analysts, Lucas and Matt, to explore how we are helping our clients harness AI’s potential while mitigating its risks and preparing for ISO/IEC 42001.